Nutrition Basics

Good nutrition is as important as the exercises we perform. By eating wisely we are assisting our body to perform better in our chosen fitness program or sport. The food we choose needs to be of high nutritional value to supply us with the necessary building blocks, in the form of vitamins and minerals to […]

Monitoring Your Fitness

There are many ways we can monitor our fitness and this is essential for a number of reasons. For most people the biggest benefit they will get from monitoring their fitness will be the encouragement they will get from seeing the progress from their efforts. There is nothing more inspiring for someone trying to lose […]

Master Cleanse Ingredients Losing Unwanted Body Fat

With only 4 master cleanse ingredients it’s easy to make this ‘lemonade’. The mixture works exceptionally well at helping you detoxify your body while losing some unwanted body fat. In 10 days you can be healthier, less toxic, and lighter. But, it’s not going to be easy, you’re going to need to be very motivated […]

Machines and Weights

Using a combination of weights and machines for training will give you the best of both worlds, with the ability of machines allowing you to use more weight under a controlled environment, and the free weights helping to stimulate the synergistic muscles for balance and control. Add to this some cardio work for aerobic fitness […]

Lose Excess Weight With The Bodyweight Burn Program

Having not enough time is probably one of the topmost reasons that can mess up your weight loss and workout efforts. And if you are one of them, you are probably looking for a weight loss plan that doesn’t take up too much of your time. Luckily, with the bodyweight burn program, you can now […]

Living Through the Arguments

Anyone who says they do not have an argument at any point in their relationship is either lying, or blissfully unaware that one partner in a relationship is not getting the same. Any healthy relationship will have pitfalls, including arguments, from petty squabbling to blazing rows (although the latter should not be happening too often.) […]

Giving Each Other Space

One of the great things about any new or old relationship is the feeling when we are able to just spend time uninterrupted with our loved ones. It doesn’t matter if we are sat at a spit and sawdust bar or chilling out and binge watching TV. We’re with them, and that’s perfect. But it […]

Maintaining a Long Distance Relationship

With more and more people now meeting over the internet or travelling further the work, long distance relationships are now no longer so much of a head turner. But, like any relationship, they require work to succeed, albeit in different areas to their usual full-time counterparts. There is the issue of discipline when making time […]

Modern Technology and Relationships

We are blessed in this day and age the ability to use modern technology in a way like never before. Suddenly, long distance relationships are made easier by a video call, or we can WhatsApp picture to our loved ones when we are working thousands of miles away. But with this advent comes a tendency […]

Natural Remedies to Help Fight Ageing

Alongside common sense considerations in the fight against ageing, there are also other things that we can do to help slow down the clock. We are not talking about facelifts or plastic surgery, rather than many natural remedies that have been shown to keep us young inside and out. One of the best natural helpers […]